Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random Photo of the Day...


Elephants In The Ice

That's what these tree trunks looked like to me.
From a nature walk I took the other day.

Annandale, NY


  1. Paul, love the shot. The title made me think, had you not title the art, would you have communicated what you wanted to the viewer? Which begs the question - should art be titled? What should the title be? For example had you said "Two Tree Trunks", would the viewer eventually get around to see the two elephant legs in the ice?

    This is something I struggle with in my work - to Title or not to Title?

  2. Interesting thought Michael.
    I notice that I tend to want to lead the viewer into seeing specifically what I see.
    I think some part of me feels that they might not think there is any interest to the photograph otherwise.
    But part of me also wants my intent to be known.

    Back when I did my 15x100 intro questionnaire, my answer to the question "What do you want people to get from your photographs" (or whatever it was), was that I want them get a sense of what I was feeling when I took the shot.

    In that respect, I think that I accomplish that by titling the shot.
    Though that might be taking the easy way out.

  3. Call it what you will, I'm speechless and diggin it bad. Nice thought here.

    Much peace,


  4. Love the shot. And the titling discussion is very very interesting. It's funny but when I looked at your shot I saw it separate from your title. I believe I saw what I saw while simultaneously registering that you thought they looked like elephants. Now you see when I saw the word elephants beneath the photo I immediately thought of trunks and these are trunks of a different kind; so then I just thought of Big Trees in the ice - the way we call mountains "Giants"... It's not so simple is it!!!! Thanks for your random photos, Paul.
